JUY-700: [* Pozor! !! ] Nezaupanje do ljudi※] Družinski izlet NTR Moja žena in mlajši brat ter njegova žena so prišli v gostilno hot spring, da bi proslavili očetovo vrnitev. Ves čas sem snemal z video kamero, da bi posnel obletnico, ampak ... Kasneje, ko sem si ga ogledala, da bi uredila video, sem najprej zaspala pred nami in klepetala z očetom v sobi.

[* Caution! !! ] Distrust of human beings※] Family trip NTR My wife and younger brother and his wife came to the hot spring inn to celebrate my father's return. I was recording with a video camera all the time to record the anniversary, but ... Later, when I watched it to edit the video, I fell asleep first in front of us chatting with my father in the room.

Datum izdaje: 12/07/2018
Runtime: 120 Min