HUNTA-433: "Brat, prosím, nehýb sa! Keď som sa zobudila, moja švagriná vložila pred 0,5 sekundami! Moja švagriná, ktorá ma miluje ako skutočnú sestru už viac ako 10 rokov, bola až do strednej školy veľmi vážna a nemala priateľa a bola o štúdiu a klubových aktivitách! Aj keď je taká švagriná, ak sa stane ženou ○ študentkou ...

"Brother, please don't move! When I woke up, my sister-in-law inserted 0.5 seconds ago! My sister-in-law, who has been loving me like a real sister for more than 10 years, was super serious until junior high school and had no boyfriend and was all about study & club activities! Even though she is such a sister-in-law, if she becomes a female ○ student ...

Dátum vydania: 04/19/2018
Runtime: 330 Min
Štúdio: Hunter