UMAD-080: - Výhľad je zakrytý závesom a spodnú časť tela, ktorá sa stala citlivou, určite cítia amatérske dievčatá, ktoré sú šikanované aj pri tomto, ale zúfalo znášajú hlas Aegi za odmenu! !! - Do svojho potešenia vkladá príliš veľa úsilia a robí všetko, čo je v jej silách, aby sa stala špendlíkom na nohu, ale je to taký dobrý pocit, že sa nakoniec sama seba spýta: "Chcem, aby si si to dal!"
- The view is blocked by the curtain and the lower body that has become sensitive is definitely felt by the amateur girls who are bullied even with this, but they desperately endure the Aegi voice for the reward! !! - She puts too much effort into her pleasure and does her best to become a leg pin, but it feels so good that she ends up asking herself, "I want you to put a in!"