SCOP-270: Keď som ja, panna, zavolala upratovaciu firmu v izbe, kde som bývala sama, bola som prsnatá žena. Je zmáčaná potom, keď nadšene pohybuje svojím telom a pracuje. Tričko, ktoré ďalej zvýrazňuje tvar hrudníka škvrnami od potu, má dokonca darček na bradavky.

When I, a virgin, called a cleaning company in the room where I lived alone, I was a busty woman. She is drenched in sweat as she moves her body enthusiastically and works. The T-shirt that further emphasizes the shape of the chest with sweat stains even has a nipple gift.

Dátum vydania: 12/26/2014
Runtime: 170 Min
Štúdio: K M Produce