HUNTA-155: - Nezrelá dcéra je super nápadná! Moja dcéra sa chce so mnou kúpať prvýkrát po dlhom čase, takže keď som sa kúpala so svojou dcérou, bola som prekvapená, že moja hruď bola trochu opuchnutá! A čo viac, samozrejme, je to super úder s mojou obľúbenou tvárou! - Keď som zhadzovala telo svojej dcéry, cítila som v dcére zvláštne znechutenie...

- Immature daughter is super striking! My daughter wants to take a bath with me for the first time in a long time, so when I take a bath with my daughter, I was surprised that my chest was a little swollen! What's more, of course, it's super strike with my favorite face! - When I was shedding my daughter's body, I felt a strange disgust in my daughter ...

Dátum vydania: 05/19/2016
Runtime: 240 Min
Štúdio: Hunter