HUNTA-167: Nemám nohavice! Žiadne podprsenky! Došlo k incidentu krádeže spodnej bielizne! Dievčatá v triede nemajú nohavičky ani podprsenku! Po hodinách plávania došlo k veľkému incidentu, pri ktorom chýbala spodná bielizeň dievčat v triede. Až do minulého roka som bol jediným chlapcom v triede na čisto dievčenskej škole a bol som podozrivý z toho, že som vinníkom, ale samozrejme som to neurobil.
I don't have pants! No bras! Underwear theft incident occurred! The girls in the class have no panties and no bra! After swimming lessons, there was a major incident in which the underwear of the girls in the class was missing. Until last year, I was the only guy in the class at an all-girls school, and I was suspected of being the culprit, but of course I didn't do it.