HUNTA-211: - "Mali ste také veľké prsia ...?" - Moja sestra má spotené priehľadné bradavky kvôli diéte! Nedávno moja sestra zrazu začala cvičiť doma na chudnutie. Moja sestra, ktorá sa zúfalo snaží schudnúť, ale je vystresovaná stravovacími obmedzeniami a cvičením, je frustrovaná a úprimne nechutná. Ale oblečenie, keď držíte diétu, je celkom sexy...

- "Did you have such big boobs ...?" - My sister has sweaty transparent nipples due to dieting! Recently, my sister suddenly started exercising at home for weight loss. My sister, who is desperately trying to lose weight, but is stressed out by dietary restrictions and exercise, is frustrated and honestly disgusting. But the outfit when you are on a diet is quite sexy...

Dátum vydania: 10/07/2016
Runtime: 240 Min
Štúdio: Hunter