OYC-086: - Super slabá a panenská miestna juniorka má prvýkrát roztomilú priateľku školáčky! Prirodzene, žiarlil som a nemohol som mu odpustiť, tak som ho zavolal domov, aby som ho pozdravil a pozdravil pred mojimi juniormi! Nechal som svojich juniorov držať fotoaparát a fotografovať. Prirodzene, budem vnútri znova a znova pred mojimi juniormi ...

- A super weak and virgin local junior has a cute school girl girlfriend for the first time! Naturally, I was jealous and couldn't forgive him, so I called him home to say hello and him in front of his juniors! I had my juniors hold a camera and take pictures. Naturally, I will inside again and again in front of my juniors ...

Dátum vydania: 01/19/2017
Runtime: 255 Min