AP-393: - Počas zhonu v krčme s prsiami som si šúchal prsia a olizoval ich a cez nohavičky som trel erekciu Ji Po, ktorá tajne vyšla zo skľučovadla na mojom nohavičkách, ale stále som to nevydržala a násilne som posunula nohavičky a vložila ich! Ponáhľal som sa, ako to bolo, a kopijou!

- During the hustle time of the boobs pub, I rubbed my boobs and licked them, and rubbed the erection Ji Po that secretly came out of the chuck on my through my panties, but I still couldn't stand it and forcibly shifted my panties and inserted them! I hustled as it was and speared!

DVD-ID: AP-393
Dátum vydania: 02/07/2017
Runtime: 145 Min
Štúdio: Apache