DOCP-016: Mysleli ste si, že v dome nikto nie je? Sestra, ktorá kričí počas masturbácie. Nemôžem spať, pretože je to hlučné! Keď som otvoril dvere a pokúsil sa na neho zakričať, nečakal som: "Vážne!? - Nemôžem potlačiť to, čo sa prebúdza ospalé a vzpriamené, a trestám svoju sestru ako súčasť disciplíny!!

Did you think there was no one in the house? A sister who screams during masturbation. I can't sleep because it's noisy! When I opened the door and tried to yell at him, I didn't expect "Seriously!? - I can't suppress the that wakes up drowsy and erects, and I punish my sister as part of discipline!!

Dátum vydania: 01/19/2018
Runtime: 130 Min
Štúdio: .DOC