VOSS-074: - Moja teta pán / pani, ktorá žije sama, spí s nádchou, takže keď som ju išiel navštíviť, pot spôsobený teplom bol úžasný a jej veľké boli priehľadné! - Bol som nadšený, pretože som si myslel, že je to zlé, pretože je to príliš erotické, ale nemohol som odtrhnúť oči od mojej tety pána / pani a čo by sa stalo, keby som bol na pokraji výbuchu? 5 Asahi Mizuno
- My aunt Mr./Ms. who lives alone is sleeping with a cold, so when I went to visit her, the sweat caused by the heat was amazing and her big were transparent! - I was excited because I thought it was bad because it was too erotic, but I couldn't take my eyes off my aunt Mr./Ms. and what would happen if I was on the verge of exploding? 5 Asahi Mizuno