HUNTA-417: - Vypuklá sestra je super do-strike! - Okamžitá plná erekcia! Moja sestra sa chce so mnou kúpať prvýkrát po dlhom čase, takže som si myslel, že je to neporiadok, ale keď som sa kúpal so sestrou, bol som prekvapený, keď som videl, že moja hruď bola trochu opuchnutá! A čo viac, je to prirodzene super úder s veľkosťou, ktorá sa mi páči! - Keby som zhadzoval telo svojej sestry, bol by to žalostný príbeh a tvár mojej sestry ...
- The bulging sister is super do-strike! - Immediate full erection! My sister wants to take a bath with me for the first time in a long time, so I thought it was a mess, but when I took a bath with my sister, I was surprised to see that my chest was a little swollen! What's more, it's naturally super strike with the size I like! - If I was shedding my sister's body, it would be a pitiful story, and my sister's face ...