OYC-213: - "Je to frustrujúce, ale cítim sa dobre!!" - Ponižovanie žien, ktoré musia mať sex s partnerom, ktorého absolútne nechcú robiť! Je to frustrujúce, ale je to smutné, ale cítim sa tak dobre, že sa chystám mnohokrát a znášam to znova a znova, ale je tu limit! Zaťal som zuby a zúfalo som vydržal pocit osnovy kreviet ...

- "It's frustrating, but it feels good!!" - Humiliation of women who have to have sex with a partner they absolutely don't want to do! It's frustrating, but it's sad, but it feels so good that I'm about to many times, and I endure it over and over again, but there's a limit! I gritted my teeth and desperately endured the feeling of the shrimp warp ...

Dátum vydania: 10/19/2018
Runtime: 245 Min