GS-442: ku koreňu chobotnice s priateľom hladnej manželky a bohatým! Keď bola moja žena preč, priateľ mojej ženy prišiel na návštevu. Povedal som mu, že moja žena je preč, ale spýtal som sa, či by som sa s ním nechcel trochu porozprávať, pretože to bola veľká vec, takže keď som to zatiaľ priniesol do domu, spýtal som sa, ako je v dome, zatiaľ čo som sa sťažoval na bezpohlavnosť so svojím manželom ...
to the root of squid with a hungry wife's friend and rich! While my wife was away, my wife's friend came to visit. I told him that my wife was away, but I asked if I would like to talk to him a little because it was a big deal, so when I brought it up to the house for the time being, I asked how the house was while complaining about sexlessness with my husband ...