JUY-700: [* Pozor! !! ] Nedôvera k ľudským bytostiam※] Rodinný výlet NTR Moja žena a mladší brat a jeho manželka prišli do hostinca s horúcimi prameňmi, aby oslávili návrat môjho otca. Celý čas som nahrával videokamerou, aby som zaznamenal výročie, ale ... Neskôr, keď som si to pozrel, aby som upravil video, zaspal som najprv pred nami a rozprával som sa s otcom v izbe.
[* Caution! !! ] Distrust of human beings※] Family trip NTR My wife and younger brother and his wife came to the hot spring inn to celebrate my father's return. I was recording with a video camera all the time to record the anniversary, but ... Later, when I watched it to edit the video, I fell asleep first in front of us chatting with my father in the room.