EBWH-187: Pa proteger ar tsita 'nar ma̲ ordenado ne limpio, 'nar xa̲di universitaria ja 'nar (ex) estación ja da hingi himar tsa̲ ga äjwi ko ni (ex) 'nar nju ar pa 'nar xa̲di universitaria colapsó ár libido ne convirtió ja 'nar AV! Komongu ar transparente ko ar dätä pechos extremadamente delicados Debut ar Kiho Aisaka AV ar 20 ar je̲ya
In order to protect the image of a neat and clean seller, a female college student at a (former) local station who could not have sex with anyone (former) A female college student weather sister collapsed her libido and turned into an AV! Transparent body with extremely delicate big breasts 20 years old Kiho Aisaka AV debut