PRED-462: — Shabb xki ho̲ntho ko ngeki. — Aika, ár xähi ár idä hingi 'bu̲i satisfecha ko ar nthönwi insípido ár jwädä ne dá he̲gi disparar ko 'nar trampa persistente Mente nä'ä xi fuera. Aika Yamagishi (Blu — ray Disc)
- Shabb too much only on me. - Aika, her brother's girlfriend who is not satisfied with sex with her bland brother and lets her shoot with a persistent cheating while she is away. Aika Yamagishi (Blu-ray Disc)
— Vivo ko ma jwädä, ne anke miro ÄJWI ma jwädä ne ár xähi Aika, nzäm'bu̲ ga tsät'i ya nt'ot'e incompleta nu'bya ma idä eyaculación precoz. 'Na esos ya pa