KNIP-002: [Inicio AI 2.0] ya hmä faciales ricas ne movimientos ultrarrealistas da van ma'bu̲ ja ya modelos convencionales ar IA generativa Creado ya tecnología nts'ä (belleza trascendente dá ke ya 'ño̲ho̲ nga̲tho Japón da enamoran ya ndui thandi, hermosos senos ar piel neki suaves komongu ar seda, ingresan 'nar constitución lasciva nä'ä gi hyoni hinda importar Tengu ya 'nandi nä'ä hagas) Tsukino * Anna Debut
[AI 2.0 start] Rich facial expressions and ultra-realistic moves that go beyond conventional generative AI models Created by cutting-edge technology (transcendent beauty that men all over Japan fall in love with at first sight, fair-skinned beautiful breasts smooth like silk, input a lewd constitution that seeks no matter how many times you) Tsukino * Anna Debut