SCOP-855: — 'Nar hermosa nänä ne ar rumorea nä'ä ge 'nar ex 'ño̲ho̲ lanza ho jar skwela hinda bragas ne hinda sostén ngetho gí 'wini ar 'nar xa̲mbate! — Nxoge ar entrevista ko yá mengu, moví ma ja yá ne Mako xingu ya 'nandi ne hice ke xki completamente erecto, ne gem'bu̲ seduje ja 'nar, bí mä: "¿Yogo'ä hingi gi 'ñehe äjwi ko ngeki crudo...?"
- A beautiful gal mom who is rumored to be a former spear man comes to school with no panties and no bra because she wants to eat a male teacher! - During the parent interview, I flickered my chest and Mako many times and made my fully erect, and then I seduced a, saying, "Why don't you have sex with me raw ...?"