DOCD-034: — "Tokio ar increíble ~!" — 'nar 'nar nxutsi ar Tokio nä'ä da xi transferido ja 'nar nsa̲di súper rural ko 4 xa̲di ga̲tho ya sea! Ya chicas hwähi maha'mu̲ mya inocentes ne Hinti mi otho nä'ä ga ko ar nthönwi bí convirtieron jar lanceros pa ya pa nu'bya ar influencia ya chicas lanceras!

- "Tokyo is amazing ~!" - A gal from Tokyo who has transferred to a super rural school with 4 students from all schools! Country girls who were innocent and had nothing to do with sex became spear men day by day due to the influence of spear man gals! ??

Pa estreno: 11/01/2024
Nt'eni: 201 min
Estudio: .DOC