MIAB-311: Hingi di bojä nu'bya, nja'bu da di quedaré ko nu'i dá ts'ohni ir nge 'nar 'be̲hñä ngú nsa̲di ke ho̲ntho pädi ar hmi 'bu̲ nxui, ne jar ar pa hinda nthäki ya Bojä ne tarifas extensión, dá pe̲ts'i 'nar cita ko ma hmi desnuda ndezu̲ ar xudi , ne xu̲ki ga inyecté vaginalmente ja ar hotel. Tsukinoe Sui
I don't need money today, so I'll stay with you I was invited by a lounge lady who only knows the face at night, and in the time without restrictions on money and extension fees, I had a date with my bare face from the morning, and then I just vaginal shot at the hotel. Tsukinoe Sui