MIAB-326: Nu'bu̲ dá pengi hwähi, ho ar nthönwi mar hne ngatho, ma compañeras jar nsa̲di da crecieron pa convertir ar jar chicas famosas ne ya mpädi mäs xi mayores jar xe̲ni ar reunieron ne Xká 'yot'u̲hu̲ ir 'be̲fi recuerdos ar nä'ä di sacaran ar semen una y otra xähmä, pesar ja da mar ma ndui inyección vaginal.
When I returned to the countryside where SEX was commonplace, my classmates who grew up to be famous spear gals and the best senior in the local area got together and made memories of being pulled out of semen over and over again even though it was my first vaginal shot Shunyo Mocha AIKA