START-154: — 'Nar modesta empleada nä'ä bí zits'i xi hño jar mexa observación ya cerezos ja ya do̲ni cambió pente nu'bu̲ bebió, ne ár hne da intensificó jar hmä "di ne ga 'bu̲'be atada ko ar 'me̲hna...", ne mar 'nar masoquista oculta da llegaba ya ar clímax ko lágrimas ja yá da̲ ko grilletes, Irama ne ar PtoM! Nanao Ayatsuki
- A modest female employee who hit it off at the cherry blossom viewing table suddenly changed when she drank, and her desire escalated to "I want to be tied up with this ...", and she was a hidden masochist who climaxed with tears in her eyes with shackles, Irama, and PtoM! Nanao Ayatsuki