SW-283: "Hingi bí haré 'me̲hna ja ma t'ixu erecta ar ma̲jä (Sr. yá Sra.)!" — Tsi t'ixu ár 'be̲hñä ne pengi nthätu̲wi ko dätä ar pechos! Ma t'ixu gi 'bu̲hu̲ di ar bienvenida jar njot'i da u25cb Ji hinda ga pe̲ts'i 'nar erección ga̲tho ya pa ar Toshigai.Life rosado da comencé
"I Do Not Do This To Erection Dad (Heart) Daughter!"Take The Daughter Of His Wife Remarried Everyone Big Tits!Daughters Has Me Welcome Secretly Ji u25cb That Erection Every Day Without Toshigai.Life Rosy I Had I Have Begun