SDJS-265: Enhorabuena ne inauguración! Mayuka Ohara, nu'u̲ xí ár ar hñu ya je̲ya jar empresa, xi adscrita jar jar hmä "Sección Inmediata" ya Honto 'nar pa. — Pente bi zo̲ho̲ carga kontra lascivo ar Mako! — Ngut'a mindó jar 'be̲fi ko 'nar Nar dätä hño Ji Po! 3 producción
Congratulations and inauguration! Mayuka Ohara, who is in her third year with the company, is seconded to the 'Immediate Section' for one day only! - Suddenly charge to the lascivious Mako! - Immediately squirrel at work with a big Ji Po! 3 Production