SCPX-055: — Nu'bu̲ bí ruegas ir nju (tía Sr. yá Sra.) ja ir Nar dätä hño ne gentil nänä Sr. yá Sra. da ma̲x'i ma ntha̲nise̲ gi ko ya excusa ir lesión, ¿cepillarás ja ir sobrinu Ji ● Po nä'ä bí ndu̲i bí erecto ko 'nar leve expectativa ko 'nar oma incestuoso?
- If you beg your sister (aunt Mr./Ms.) of your big and gentle mother Mr./Ms. to help you masturbate with the excuse of your injury, will you brush down your nephew Ji ● Po who got erect with a faint expectation with an incestuous oma?