SCPX-109: — Peligroso ar 'ñeni ko tsibi hingi ar detiene ja ya esposas xi wadi bí criar ya bätsi! Pumbu̲ni Xähmö mpädi ma bätsi! - Las mamás que no tienen un chi ● po no pueden soltar el pequeño palo ● inigualable que mantiene la erección de la solitaria Ma ● Ko! — Be yá da̲ ir meni ne da zeti ga crudo 'nar ne 'na lugar!
- Dangerous play with fire does not stop among the wives who have finished raising children! It doesn't matter if it's my son's friend! - Moms who don't have a chi ● po can't let go of the unequaled little ● stick that keeps erection from the lonely Ma ● Ko! - Steal the eyes of your family and keep raw anytime anywhere!