NKKD-046: — 'Nar pa bí ja ar njohya sala ar 'bu̲i ho thogi ar pa ko ma 'be̲hñä, 'nar luchador enmascarado gigante desconocido irrumpe zo̲ho̲ ne hingi tsa̲ da otho pa da presionado ja ma 'be̲hñä hä ngeki, ne ho̲ntho ar tsa̲ ga porro ar aturdido ne esperar ár eyaculación

- One day in the happy living room where I spend time with my wife, an unknown giant masked wrestler suddenly bursts in, and I can't do anything to be pressed by my wife in front of me, and I can only watch the joint stunned and wait for his ejaculation

Pa estreno: 10/01/2017
Nt'eni: 140 min
Actriz: Mika Aikawa
Estudio: JET Eizo