GDHH-079: — "Ma ku controlará ar eyaculación!" — di ho ar masturbación! — 'Nar 'ret'a ya meni preocupada ja yá 'bede ya libros eróticos esparcidos ja ma habitación ne yá 'bede ya pañuelos masturbación da aumentan pa ya pa! Komongu ar nt'uni! — Terminé komongu manejada ya eyaculación Hindi tsa̲ ga nthönse̲ 'ñotho ar xi hño ma ku! Pe...
- "My sister will manage ejaculation!" - I love masturbation! - A family meeting worried about the amount of erotic books scattered in my room and the amount of masturbation tissues that increase day by day! As a result! - I ended up being managed by ejaculation that I can't masturbate without my sister's OK! But...