VOSS-069: — Äjwi ko ma nänä, da sintió lástima ya ngeki mi frustrada ya mengu, ko ya promesa 'nar kondon! — Nu'bu̲ ma nänä, nä'ä hingi mí thädi mindó goma, bí quitó jar njot'i ar kondon ne ngo̲ viva, convulsionó ne zo̲ni ar clímax xingu ya bes, "Ngut'ä encontraré 'nar bätsi xi hño" jar hmä "¿ar dá daré tsihi?"

- Sex with my mother, who felt sorry for me who was frustrated by her, with the promise of a condom! - When my mother, who was unresponsive to rubber squirrel, secretly removed the condom and raw, convulsions and climaxed many times, "I'll find a good daughter soon" to "Will I give it to anyone?"

Nuna sitio web ar ho̲ntho pa ya dätä jä'i

¿Gí 'ñehe tso̲kwa menu 18 ya je̲ya?

(wa mäs ndunthe bätsitho legal jar jár ndezu̲ dá da accede ya nuna sitio web)

Ar gi clic jar hmä "ACEPTO", xi leído ne entendido jar hmä 'be̲t'o.

Pa estreno: 01/07/2018
Nt'eni: 90 min
Actriz: Rika Goto
Estudio: VENUS