GDHH-146: ¿Gi invito! Hingi di xta mä ya xki nu! Xa na emocionado ir nge ar Uthuhme agachado! — T'olo ora da gi gi japi jar cuclillas, ir rodillas empujan ir ja yá ntsuni nthi ne ir senos gi 'bu̲hu̲ tso̲kwa punto ar sobresalir. ¿Ra 'me̲hna di mbeni! Da̲ pegados! — Di fascinó ne conseguí 'nar erección nxo̲ge! Hingi pude ocultar nä'ä ne ga atraparon, ne bí acabó... Nä'ä ndi mbeni ho nga! Mí...
I'm inviting you!? I haven't noticed! I'm very excited about the crouching pie! - The moment you squat, your knees push your chest out and your boobs are about to stick out! Is this on purpose!? Eyes glued! - I was fascinated and got a full erection! I couldn't hide it and got caught, and it was over ... I thought so! I was ...