DOCP-120: — "Tsa̲ ge'e..." — 'nar 'be̲hñä 'Beni da, hinda ga pädi nt'ot'e, cela nu'bya ya travesuras implacables ar tsa bi 'yo̲ lascivo ne 'bot'i 'nar Nar dätä hño yá 'bede ya esperma concentrado ar xi acumulado Nxoge xingu ya je̲ya ne da dispara ñäñho jar dätä cantidades 2
- "I'm sorry for you ..." - A clean bride who unknowingly estrus due to her lascivious father-in-law's relentless mischief and seeds a large amount of concentrated sperm that has accumulated for many years and is continuously fired in large quantities 2