OYC-252: "¿Dar 'be̲hñä estúpida?" — Video violación ko cámara oculta nä'ä hingi efectivo nu'u̲ evidencia o, nu'bya di xi violar... — 'Nar 'be̲hñä dá nä'ä nzäm'bu̲ t'o̲t'e komongu ma 'nar 'ño̲ho̲ ne hingi tsa̲ da resistir ar disgusta nu'u̲ mi esperar, ne 'nar pa ts'i jar njot'i 'nar fotografiya hä xkagentho komongu violada pa nda pwede nda 'ñuse̲ dá komongu ntsa̲ 'nar. Pe nu'bu̲ gi fijas xi hño...

"Am I a stupid woman?" - Hidden camera rape video that is not effective as evidence Oh I can be raped today ... - A woman who is always treated like a man and can not resist is disgusted as expected, and one day she secretly takes a picture of herself being raped so that she can submit it as evidence at any time. But if you look closely...

Nuna sitio web ar ho̲ntho pa ya dätä jä'i

¿Gí 'ñehe tso̲kwa menu 18 ya je̲ya?

(wa mäs ndunthe bätsitho legal jar jár ndezu̲ dá da accede ya nuna sitio web)

Ar gi clic jar hmä "ACEPTO", xi leído ne entendido jar hmä 'be̲t'o.

Pa estreno: 05/19/2019
Nt'eni: 140 min