GDHH-160: 'Nar milagro ar desarrolla jar nsa̲di 'nar tso̲ngar ora parcial ár ñut'i ko xingu ar antiguos ar lanceros! Ga̲tho ya chicas gi 'bu̲hu̲ uniformadas, pe yá edades ya 'na'ño! Ne Nuga̲ Dar único ar 'ño̲ho̲! Jar nguu nsa̲di tso̲ngar ora parcial da dá asisto, ar obligatorio zu̲di 'nar uniforme ir nge ya nge ar nguu nsa̲di! Bätsi ndunthe ya 'mui ba jar nsa̲di ko yá uniformes escolares, nja'bu da kadu̲ 'nar pa ar emocionante! Ar nä'ä, nga̲tho solía to ne...
A miracle unfolds at a part-time school full of former spearmen! All the girls are in uniform, but their ages are different! And I'm the only man! At the part-time school I attend, it is mandatory to wear a uniform according to the school rules! Girls of various generations come to the class in their school uniforms, so every day is exciting! What's more, everyone used to be a ...