SCPX-390: Pesar ja da sirviente ar cliente, ar Sr. yá Sra. ar ridículamente súper estúpido... Jar t'olo ora nu'u da convirtieron jar yoho ya jä'i ja ar probador, ar emocionaron ya hmi femenina ko yá da̲ abiertos nu'bu̲ mostraron Nar dätä hño ár polla, ne ar indefensa empleada expuesta "Cliente Sr. yá Sra...." Ge 'nar njot'i".
Despite The Fact That The Customer's Servant Is Ridiculous And Super Stupid ... The Moment She Became Two People In The Fitting Room, If She Showed Off The Big Erection, She Was Excited By The Female Face Completely With Her Eyes Open And Defenseless Exposed Female Clerk "Customer ... It's A Secret"