SDNM-458: Ante bí trate ar crianza ya bätsi... Di ne ga vean komongu ar 'be̲hñä ne brillar, anke ho̲ntho ir nge 'nar t'olo ora. Reiko Himori, 28 ya je̲ya, Nthege Nthuts'i 3 Llamando ja ar hotel ja 'nar 'be̲hñä nonata da conocía ar sabor ar nthönwi rodaje audiovisual, enojado Gonzo, 'behñä 3P, 4P
Before it comes to parenting... I want to be seen as a woman and shine, even if only for a moment. Reiko Himori, 28 years old, Chapter 3 Calling an unborn wife who knew the taste of sex in AV shooting to the hotel, angry Gonzo, 3P, 4P sex