CAWD-177: [Nu'u̲ maestro, da porke hne binu. Ar xui ar tifón mi ngut'ä obstruida da instinto ar maternal bí cosquilleado ja 'nar xa̲di varón nä'ä hingi himar tsa̲ gi kohwi Honto ne ar devoraron tanto ne da destruyó ya hä xkagentho Mayuki Ito

[As a teacher, there should be pure love. The night of the typhoon that was so obstructed that the maternal instinct was tickled by a male student who could not be left alone and devoured each other so much that he destroyed himself Mayuki Ito

Pa estreno: 02/25/2021
Nt'eni: 120 min
Actriz: Mayuki Ito
Estudio: kawaii