HUNTB-651: 'Nar jwädä ne 'nar nju nu'u xi vivido getu'bu̲ 'na ma'na ndezu̲ da maha'mu̲ mya bätsi. Mi sentimientos hontho, pe di mi conteniendo... 'Ñotho ar embargo, majwäni revelada ja ma tada ar pa ntso̲ni je̲ya ma idä... Ya ar yoho maha'mu̲ mya cuñado ne cuñada
A brother and sister who have lived close to each other since they were children. I had special feelings, but I was holding back... However, the truth revealed by my parents on my brother's birthday ... The two were brother-in-law and sister-in-law
Ya ida̲ ne ya jujwe̲, pe ya uni mä xkagentho ar xi sentido instintivamente atraídos 'na ya ma'na. Wat'i, nuna gehna 'nar hne débil nä'ä hingi ar to da tsoni. 'Nar t'olo ora, ja ya conscientes ja ya 'ño̲ho̲ ne 'nar 'be̲hñä, pe bí soportan mutuamente jar ar mä xi hño. Wat'i, ko ár ntso̲ni je̲ya 'bede 20 ma idä, yoho maha'mu̲ mya suegros ma tada.