SDMF-037: Ar ma̲jä 'nar pe̲fi manual xi 'ma̲i yá pe̲ts'i ar nthöni ko ár t'ixu ja ár apartamento nga̲tho ar pa ngetho pe̲ts'i 'ñotho ar 'be̲fi nu'bu̲ 'wäi. Mirei Aoi
The father of a manual laborer has been having sex with his daughter in his apartment all the time because he has a day off from work when it rains. Mirei Aoi
Jar pa lluviosos, täda 'nar pe̲fi ingeniería civil mi pe̲ts'i pe̲ts'i ar nthöni ko ár t'ixu jar ngú ngetho hingi pe̲ts'i 'be̲fi. — Bebo alkol ga̲tho ar pa ne ar ma t'ixu komongu 'nar perilla