YAKO-039: — Komongu ar copa G ge 'nar prestigiosa dama universitaria ko 'nar estilo sobresaliente hä nä'ä. Mente mä: "di ne'i, Oji — Nsan", pa da mi boquilla, pe di arremangé ko 'nar constitución anormalmente sensible, ne 'nehe nu'bya, komongu 'nar hmä "'be̲hñä mahyoni", revelaré ar mäs xi hño juguete saffle nga̲tho ar ximha̲i.
- The body of the G cup is a prestigious female college lady with an outstanding style in front of her. While saying, "I love you, Oji-san," I thought it was lip service, but I rolled up my sleeves with an abnormally sensitive constitution, and even now as a "convenient woman", I will reveal the best toy of saffle to everyone.
Ar chaqueta xí parcialmente procesada. Ga̲tho ya modos, komongu xi hä ngeki ne ar erótico. Hingi dí pe̲ts'i ndunthe ya mfeni, pe dar 'nar hño 'nar nxutsi 'yo̲de., nja'bu da nu'bu̲ preparé ndunthe ya 'bede, crecí pa da 'nar nxutsi na H ko ndunthe ya absorción. 'Nehe ar adjunta gi hermosa amateur tetona komongu ar bonificación.