YRH-130: Equipo verificación ar mindó 'nar xa̲di universitaria nä'ä bi 'mu̲i ngut'a ho mi 'bu̲i yá xa̲di ngäts'i je̲ya ne 'ñohu̲ jar nsa̲di ngut'ä ngut'ä ngu ingresó jar skwela! — Ko di ne devora ya 'ra'yo xa̲di da ya yá ts'e̲di jar Ji ● Ko ko 'nar hmi seria jár hindar tsa̲ ar entrevistar 'nar revista moda! Archivo.06
Mansquirrel Verification Team A female college student who was immediately by her seniors and classmates as soon as she entered the school! - Approach and devour new students who are weak in Ji ● Ko with a serious face under the guise of interviewing a fashion magazine! File.06