GS-285: Xa xki njapu̲'be̲fi pa gi tareas ya domésticas, nja'bu da pedí 'nar ama llaves... Xa zo̲ho̲ 'nar inesperada 'be̲hñä nthäti hño'i! 'Nehe, ar tentación ar 'me̲fa erótica ko ar feromona Munmun! Hingi caigas jar tentación ya da 'me̲hna... Di pädi xi hño ya da thogi 'na gi hmi ar moneda... Ne paciencia! Pe nu'bu̲ gi japi 'naxtu̲i nä'ä ge za̲ da fueras 'naxtu̲i descuidado...

I'm too busy to do housework, so I asked for a housekeeper ... An unexpected sexy married woman has arrived! Moreover, the temptation is too erotic with pheromone Munmun! Don't be tempted to do this... I'm sure there's a flip side... and patience! But if you put out a little bit that it would be good if you were a little sloppy ...

DVD-ID: GS-285
Pa estreno: 09/26/2019
Nt'eni: 125 min