PFES-044: जब मैले अन्डरवेयर निर्मातामा काम पाएँ, म एक्लो पुरुष थिएँ र मेरो वरिपरि धेरै महिला कर्मचारीहरू थिए! कम्पनीमा अचम्मका कुराहरू भइरहेका छन् ...! यदि तपाईं एक अन्डरवेयर निर्मातामा नौकरी पाउनुहु?
When I got a job at an underwear manufacturer, I was the only man and there were many gal female employees around me! Amazing things are happening in the company...! If you get a job at an underwear manufacturer, the people around you ...