CAWD-729: जब मैले मेरो पूर्व प्रेमिकासँग पुनर्मिलन गरें, जो एक राक्षस-वर्ग कामेच्छा थियो, 3 वर्षमा पहिलो पटक, मेरो पहिलो प्रेम पुन: जागृत भयो मेरो भावनाहरू धेरै उत्तेजित भए र मैले उनलाई योनि शट माफ गरें
When I reunited with my ex-girlfriend, who was a monster-class libido, for the first time in 3 years, my first love was rekindled My emotions were too aroused and I forgave her a vaginal shot that I couldn't do around Anno Mayuki Ito (Blu-ray Disc)