MIAB-301: आखिर, म मेरी पत्नीलाई मन पराउँछु! यदि हामी थकित दम्पतीहरूले लामो समयपछि पहिलो पटक यौन सम्बन्ध राखेका थियौं ... आखिर, शरीरको अनुकूलता उत्कृष्ट थियो, र हामीले बिहानसम्म धेरै पटक एक अर्कालाई सोध?
After all, I like my wife! If we couples who were tired had sex for the first time in a long time ... After all, the compatibility of the body was outstanding, and we asked for each other many times until the morning! !! Hinako Mori