FSDSS-848: मेरी श्रीमतीले अफेयरको बारेमा थाहा पाइन् । ब्रेकअपको एक वर्षपछि पूर्वपत्नीले आफ्नो साथीसँग मिल्दोजुल्दो अनुहारको प्लास्टिक सर्जरी गराएकी थिइन् । "यो बदला हो," मलाई बताउँदा मेरो स्खलन भयो?
My wife found out about the affair. A year after the breakup, the ex-wife had plastic surgery on her face to match her cheating partner. "This is revenge," I was ejaculated as I was told. Angel Moe