GDTM-052: - जब मलाई सफा गरिंदै गरेको तातो झरनामा नुहाउन बाध्य पारियो, मैले मेरो तिघ्रामा एक इरेक्शन पाएँ जुन मैले एउटी सुन्दर महिलाको लुकेको किमोनोबाट देख्न सक्थें! एक सुन्दर महिला जसले यसलाई देख्यो ?
- When I was forced to take a bath in the hot spring that was being cleaned, I got an erection on my thighs that I could see from the rolled up kimono of a beautiful woman! A beautiful woman who saw it took Ji Po from behind ...