SDMU-562: म्याजिक मिरर इनोसेन्ट केटीहरू जो 3 मिनेट अघि सम्म स्कूलका केटीहरू थिए, स्नातक समारोह पछि तुरुन्तै पहिलो पटक ब्रुसेलाको अनुभव गरे! - यद्यपि उनी एक वयस्कको लागि लज्जित छिन्, उनी आक्रमण गर्न इन्
Magic Mirror Innocent girls who were school girls until 3 minutes ago experienced Brucella for the first time immediately after the graduation ceremony! - Although she is ashamed of an adult, she can't refuse to invade and continues to live!