UMD-584: दिउँसो अपार्टमेन्टका पत्नीहरूले परिसरमा ब्रा लगाउँदैनन्, त्यसैले निप्पलहरू भद्दा हुन्छन्! … जति धेरै म यसलाई दुई पटक हेर्छु, जवान र सुन्दर सानो श्री / सुश्रीको नो-ब्रास्की निप्पलहरू धेरै क?
Apartment wives in the afternoon don't wear bras on the premises, so nipples are lewd! … The more I look at it twice, the younger and beautiful the younger the Mr./Ms.'s no-brasquey nipples are too erotic! !! If you just look at such a potchin ... 2