IENE-862: - मैले डेरिहेरुसँग बोलाएको छोरी धेरै संवेदनशील र छटपटाएकी थिइन् र मेरो कोठालाई स्क्वर्ट बनाइन्, त्यसैले जब म रिसाएँ, उनले मलाई यो गर्न दिइन्, तर मैले महसुस गरें र यो निरन्तर चरमसुख थियो! - म थप ?
- The daughter I called with Deriheru was too sensitive and squirted and made my room squirt, so when I got angry, she let me do it, but I felt it and it was a continuous orgasm! - I was in trouble with further squirting! 2